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Make Athletes Muscle Building And Strength With Andriol Testocaps

Andriol presented in brevity:

Andriol is a very popular medication used for enhancing the strength and endurance of athletes and to speed up muscle building in bodybuilders. This drug is also used profusely in men and boys to manage a condition that is caused by reduced Testosterone levels in the body such as delayed puberty, impotence, or other hormonal imbalances. This drug can also be given to women for the management of breast cancer that has advanced to other parts of the body. This is also used as Testosterone replacement therapy in those who have insufficient levels of Testosterone.

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Modus Operandi of Andriol:

Andriol Testosterone Undecanoate is the chief acting chemical in Andriol. The drug is carried inside the cytoplasm of the target tissue cells where it binds to androgen receptors and converts to 5α-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is the active metabolite. DHT couples with its androgen receptors and forming a complex which after going through structural change enters the cell nucleus and speeds up the transcriptional process which increases the protein which assists in bodybuilding.

Dosing schedule of Andriol:

Andriol is taken orally with water. The common dose for initiation of therapy is 40mg taken two times a day after the morning and evening meals. The dose presented here is in no way to be taken as an alternative to doctor's prescription.

Contraindications of Andriol:

A few medical cases that do not entertain the use of this medication are

  • Heart attack, stroke, coronary artery disease

  • High cholesterol level

  • breast cancer

  • Diabetes

  • Enlarged prostate gland

  • In case you are bedridden

  • Severe Liver or Kidney disorder

Side effects of Andriol:

Some malicious effects of this medication are sleeplessness, acne, mood swings, skin irritation, giddiness, headache, perplexity and muscle ache.

Precautions to be exercised while using Andriol:

  • Do not consume alcohol with this drug that can lead to aggravated side effects.

  • Women should not use this medication unless specified by a doctor; this drug is contraindicated in a pregnant or lactating woman as it can cause birth defects in the newborn.

  • This drug can be habit-forming if taken in higher doses. The misuse of this product can lead to severe consequences.

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